State Conference Guide
Attendance Eligibility
All FCCLA members (State and National dues paid) are eligible to attend the State Leadership Conference. Each student attending shall be an affiliated member of FCCLA, have approval of school administration, chapter advisor, and a parent or guardian unless the student is of legal age.
State Conference Theme
On Board with FCCLA
Registration Information
Registration Fees – The registration fees include the competitive events, facilities rental, audiovisual, conference materials, printing, conference souvenir, and judges needs during the conference.
S – Student Participant. $60.00. This is for all students participating in an event or volunteering. You will need to select the event the student is participating in or if they will be volunteering on Thursday or Friday. They may not volunteer the same day that they have an event.
ES – Enhanced Student Participant. $75.00. This is the same as the student rate and includes the Special Event Ticket.
A – Adviser. $25.00 this is for all chapter advisers.
EA – Enhanced Adviser. $40.00. This is the same as the Adviser rate and includes the Special Event Ticket.
CV – Chaperone/Adult Volunteer. $40.00. This is for all Chaperones and Adult Volunteers. All adults will be asked to volunteer as a Lead Consultant, Room Consultant or Evaluator. This includes a FCCLA conference souvenir, breakfast or lunch on the day that they volunteer, and registration for general sessions. Volunteers will be notified as to the event, time to report and what meal function they will attend (based on day and time of event). Please select in the registration what day this person is available to volunteer, Thursday Volunteer or Friday Volunteer.
ECV- Enhanced Chaperone/Adult Volunteer. $55.00. This is the same as the Chaperones and Adult Volunteer rate and includes a Special Event Ticket.
OFF – State Officers. Free. This is for current state officers only. All state officers will receive a Special Event Ticket with their registration.
Culinary/Pastry Event Fee – $10.00 per participant (includes food supplies, facility and coordinator)
Cancellation fee – $20.00 will be charged per person for any drops after February 21, 2019.
Competitive Events
Students may enter no more than two (2) events, (one State Event and one National STAR Event).
You can find the National STAR event scenarios, topics, and menus online at under the STAR Event Resources.
All entries will be verified with the lists of winners submitted from the District/Regional Conferences. All events changes must be emailed to no later than March 1.
Special Event
NM FCCLA fun night at Main Event located at 4040 Pan American Fwy, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107. Join us for 4 hours of FCCLA fun and networking with friends. Tuesday, March 17, (6:00-10:00pm)
Bowling, Gravity Ropes, Laser Tag, Billiard’s, Shuffle Board, and a 1 hour Arcade time card. Tickets will be $15.00 each.
Option 1 – Event Ticket price included with your registration.
- Select the Enhanced Student Registration under Participant Type
Option 2 – Purchase event tickets separately.
- To add this to your registration, add the quantity of tickets needed for Main Event as an Item under the student’s name OR you can all the tickets under the advisor name.
Transportation to and from the event will be the responsibility of the chapter.
Culinary and Pastry & Baking Competition
The Culinary & Pastry competition will be held at Desert Ridge Middle School. Transportation for the event is the responsibility of the chapter adviser. Please allow enough travel time with your team to the event. The Culinary & Pastry Menus and Equipment Lists will posted online. There is a $10.00 per participant fee for this event. This includes: food supplies, facility and coordinators.
All chapter advisors will be required to be a Lead Consultant during the state conference. Time and place to report will be sent prior to the conference. Questions regarding Lead Consultant duties and assignments will be directed to the STAR Event state officer adviser. In addition, advisors will have the opportunity to receive professional development through networking, workshops, and observing competitive event processes.
The hotel will accept purchase orders. A copy of your Purchase Order MUST be sent to the hotel once you submit your registration. Please email a copy to Rachel in order to hold your room reservation. Contact Rachel Miller at or 505-798-6446 if you need an estimate sent to you prior to the conference in order to get a PO in place. A final invoice will not be printed until the time of check out. ALL rooms will have the following rate:
Fees – $96.00 + 13.875% = 109.32
State Community Service Project-TBA
Spirit Award
Chapters are encouraged to compete for the NM FCCLA Spirit Award. The chapter that displays the most spirit and creatively utilizing the state theme to show their FCCLA spirit during state conference will be awarded the NM FCCLA Spirit Stick!
An insurance policy is carried which covers each person registered for the conference. If you have an illness or injury—contact the FCCLA Staff at the conference headquarters (Gallery) for insurance forms before you leave the conference. These forms must be completed by the doctor and/or hospital and forwarded to the insurance company.
Delegate Conduct and Medical Information
All students attending the SLC must complete a Delegate Conduct and Medical Form. Attached or online.
Adult Code of Conduct
All advisors or adult chaperones are required to read and sign the Adult Code of Conduct Form. Please turn in a copy at Headquarters during the state conference.
Activities Verification Form – NMAA
Each school must complete an Activities Verification From prior to the state conference. A copy of the form can be found on the NMAA web site or online. This form, attached to a roster of participating students, should be signed by a school administrator and submitted to the NMAA (505-923-3114 FAX) prior to state competition.
Your chapter and career technical education in general can use good publicity. Use participation in the State Conference to generate some positive publicity. Who’s going? Where? When? Why? Chapter advisors figure prominently in the publicity of the conference. We look to you to provide advanced stories to your local newspapers and pictures or slides to local television stations. Alert the contact persons that you will phone information back from the conference about your students.
New Mexico Dress Code
Please refer to the Dress Code Guidelines.
Exception: Culinary Arts and Pastry & Baking participants are welcome to wear their Chef’s Attire during the STAR Events Recognition.
State and National Officer Candidates
Any member planning to run for state or national office needs to complete the application and all necessary forms by deadline posted on the state Calendar. Visit FCCLA State Officer for more information.