Online Registration Instructions



Registration for both membership and for the state conference is through the National HOSA site:

  1. Log in with your chapter number and password and select conference registration
  3. Enter your submitted members into the correct competitive events
  4. Students may enter an event in each category: Recognition (multiple), Health Science, Leadership, Teamwork, Health Professions, and Emergency Preparedness. If students qualify to advance to National Leadership Conference, they may select only one event.
  5. Friday events will be remaining Health Science Skills, Leadership and Teamwork.
  6. Saturday events will be Health Professions and Emergency Preparedness.
  7. Payment Due by State Conference.

Payment Address:

1500 S. Ave. K; ENMU Station 61
Portales, NM 88130

State Leadership Conference Registration Instructions

  1. Make sure all members that are interested in participating in the State Leadership Conference are affiliated members of HOSA.
  2. Login to the HOSA Online System at using your Charter Number and Password.
  3. Once into the system select “Click to Proceed to Chapter Membership and Conference Registration.”
  4. On the left click “Conference Registration.”
  5. You will be directed to the HOSA Conference System Login page. Use your Charter Number and Password to login again.
  6. Click on the box that says “2019 New Mexico HOSA State Leadership Conference.”
  7. On the line that says “Registrations” click the red plus sign. You will be directed to a page that has a list of your members not currently registered for the conference.
  8. Find the student you want to register for the conference. Select “Register” to the left of their name.
  9. For Registration Type select one of the following: Advisor, Middle School, Postsecondary/Collegiate, or Secondary.
  10. Under “Options/Activities” select their T-Shirt size. (All conference attendees will be given a t-shirt.)
  11. If they would like to participate in Courtesy Corps at SLC select “Courtesy Corps” under “Options/Activities” as well.
  12. Next register the student for their competitive events. Select “Register for Competitive Events” on the right. If they are part of a team be sure to register their teammates as well.
  13. Once you are done select “Save” at the bottom of the page.
  14. If at any time you need to change your registration during the registration window, login to the HOSA Conference System Login and select the eye next to the student that needs to be changed under the “Registrations” tab.
  15. To register family, guests, and chaperones select “Register Family/Guest/Other” at the bottom of the page and fill in their information on the next page. Their registration also includes a t-shirt so please have their size ready when entering them into the system.
  16. Once you have completed your registration you can print an invoice by selecting “Reports” at the bottom of the page and then “Current Invoice.”

Online Tests for the State Leadership Conference

10 events will be done prior to the State Leadership Conference. Those events include:

  • Dental Terminology
  • Medical Terminology*
  • Medical Math
  • Knowledge Test – Behavioral Health
  • Knowledge Test – Human Growth and Development
  • Knowledge Test – Medical Law and Ethics
  • Knowledge Test – Nutrition*
  • Knowledge Test – Pathophysiology
  • Knowledge Test – Pharmacology
  • Knowledge Test – Transcultural Healthcare

*Events will also be offered at the middle school level.

If your students would like to compete in one of these events they will also need to be registered in the HOSA online system, separately from the SLC registration.

  1. Login to the HOSA Online System at using your Charter Number and Password.
  2. Once into the system select “Click to Proceed to Chapter Membership and Conference Registration.”
  3. On the left click “Conference Registration.”
  4. You will be directed to the HOSA Conference System Login page. Use your Charter Number and Password to login again.
  5. Click on the box that says “NM HOSA SLC Online Testing.”
  6. On the line that says “Registrations” click the red plus sign. You will be directed to a page that has a list of your members not currently registered for the conference.
  7. Find the student you want to register for the conference. Select “Register” to the left of their name.
  8. For Registration Type select one of the following: Middle School, Postsecondary/Collegiate, or Secondary.
  9. Select “Register for Competitive Events” on the right and select the event(s) they would like to compete in.
  10. Once you are done select “Save” at the bottom of the page.
  11. After you have registered your students for the online competitive events return to the affiliation main page and select “Identify Proctors for Online Testing” on the left. You will need their name and email in order to proceed. Remember, advisors are NOT allowed to proctor HOSA online competitive events.

(If your students are ONLY competing in online competitive events and NOT attending SLC please email Shelly at for further instructions.)