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Career Technical Education (CTE) prepares youth and adults for a wide range of careers. Quality CTE programs incorporate rigorous academic and technical standards as well as critical workplace skills such as problem solving, communication, and teamwork to ensure career and college success for students.

Students who participate in CTSOs demonstrate higher levels of academic engagement and motivation, civic engagement, career self-efficacy and employability skills than other students.

According to the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, participating in leadership and professional development activities in a CTSO raises students’ educational aspirations.

Students who participate in school organizations in 10th grade have higher grade point averages and are more likely to be enrolled in college at 21 than other students.
Every student in New Mexico is an active member of a Career Technical Student Organization developing personal, leadership, academic, and technical skills that business and industry recognize as a value to society.
The Career Technical Leadership Project promotes leadership to ensure that New Mexico students are provided opportunities to develop essential skills to become successful employees in a competitive economy.
- Increased and supported membership of four Career Technical Student Organizations.
- Purposeful, multilayered, and responsive professional development for advisors and students.
- Ongoing connections and collaboration to meet the needs of business and industry.
CTLP advocates and models personal and professional leadership for career readiness.
CTLP embraces voluntary, self-motivated learning as essential personal development to remain competitive in any career leadership environment.
CTLP empowers New Mexico’s CTSO members, advisors, and chapters to stay current with best practices as we respond to the needs of industry.
CTLP accomplishes our purpose with the powerful support, networks, and partnerships of additional individuals and alliances who share in our vision.
New Mexico CTE teachers serve as the backbone to Career Technical Education. Serving at the local, regional, and state levels, successful CTE educators integrate curriculum with the activities and opportunities provided through CTSO organizations. New Mexico CTE teachers provide the knowledge and skills to educate students for 21st century work, prepare students for the next level of learning, and correlate curriculum instruction to real life experiences and skills that will last a life time. Through their involvement in CTSO’s, educators are provided professional development, classroom resources, and award opportunities in a professional network of dedicated advisors.

New Mexico CTE teachers serve as the backbone to Career Technical Education. Serving at the local, regional, and state levels, successful CTE educators integrate curriculum with the activities and opportunities provided through CTSO organizations. New Mexico CTE teachers provide the knowledge and skills to educate students for 21st century work, prepare students for the next level of learning, and correlate curriculum instruction to real life experiences and skills that will last a life time. Through their involvement in CTSO’s, educators are provided professional development, classroom resources, and award opportunities in a professional network of dedicated advisors.
Becoming an advocate helps to secure the future of New Mexico CTE programs and CTSO organizations. From Members of Congress to the New Mexico legislature to local mayors, these individuals make decisions that directly or indirectly impact CTE and CTSO’s. All policymakers need to hear from constituents who are impacted by their decisions. CTSO members and educators can be of service as a resource to policymakers and their staff by providing information about CTSO programs and how these programs affect communities, schools, families, and the workforce.

With a wide variety of business and industry throughout the state, representatives of businesses and industries can play an important role in the development of student interactions to the world of work and learning experiences through mentorships, job shadowing, and internships. Business and industry can be influential by sharing their expertise in a variety of ways: volunteering at competitive events, serving on board of directors, providing resources, and funding grants and scholarships. As a guiding force in the development of curriculum and educational opportunities, business and industry can provide data and information that will be beneficial to better prepare students for jobs in New Mexico that will in turn strengthen our economy.
of students concentrating in CTE graduated high school - 10 percent higher than the overall U.S. graduation rate.
Individuals with associate degrees in CTE fields can earn up to $10,000 more per year than those with associate degrees in other fields.
There are about 30 million "good jobs" - jobs that pay a median income of $55,000 or more and require below a bachelor's degree.
of manufacturers face talent shortages, with 60% reporting a high or very high impact on productivity.