Preparing for Test Day

Preparing for Test Day


Preparation – Each student will need the following with them on the day of the test:

  • Student picture ID
  • Username and password for the testing web site

 They may also have with them:

  • Pencils/pens
  • A NON-programmable calculator (no graphing calculators, cell phones or PDAs may be used)
  • Scrap paper (scratch paper should be provided, collected and destroyed at the conclusion of testing)
  • Notes identifying only their username and password

 Examinees are not allowed:

  • References or resources of any kind
  • Use of other computer programs while logged into the testing web site
  • Communication with other students; with the Proctor or Chapter Test Coordinator (except for technical difficulties)
  • To record in any manner any element of the exam
  • Use of cell phones or other PDA devices, graphing or scientific calculators.


NM DECA online exam Proctors are expected to maintain a professional decorum typical of all high-stakes testing environments throughout the entire testing process (e.g. quiet room, no communication of any kind among examinees). Proctors may utilize their own professional judgment to determine responses to specific requests or circumstances within the overall context of a positive, credible testing process. Proctors will verify each and every examinee with a picture ID.


Chapter Testing Coordinators and Proctors acknowledge that the NM DECA exams are proprietary and have substantive monetary value. They further acknowledge liability for any action that results in the actual breach of security of exam questions or in a perceived breach of security that would diminish the overall value of the exams, competition, institute, or sponsoring organizations.


  • The online test will expire within 75 minutes of being activated if a student does not begin the test.  Do not activate a student unless they are present and prepared to take the test.  Do not activate the students before they arrive.
  • The test will “time out” in 75 minutes after the student has started.
  • Once they have completed their test, and test answers have been submitted, students will NOT be permitted to re-take the test.
  • Students may only take one test and may sit for testing only one time.
  • Once a test is selected a student will not be able to change their minds and take a different test.
  • If a student needs to leave the room before their test is completed, they will not be allowed to continue their test.
  • Students will take the Comprehensive Exam that corresponds to their Competitive Event.
  • Students, Proctors and Chapter Test Coordinators will not have access to test scores. Results and feedback will be mailed after the conference.
  • Please note that the questions and responses will be presented in random order for each student, to prevent copying.
  • It is imperative that your students take their test from a computer that has been tested using the demo test to be sure that the computer has the proper online connection.
  • Printing and/or screenshots are not possible, but in case someone should happen to “crack the code,” please do not permit printing. Please help us to preserve the integrity of the testing environment and results. Thanks for helping us to monitor this closely.


Debi Cline
Chartered Association Director