BPA Registration Information
Each local advisor is responsible for completing the online registration form and submitting it with the necessary fees to the address indicated on the invoice. ALL PAYMENTS MUST INCLUDE A COPY OF THE INVOICE. January 21 is the registration deadline. Questions regarding BPA SLC registration should be directed to Christine Phipps at christine.phipps@enmu.edu.
Registration is $65 per student (Secondary and Middle Level), $50.00 for Advisors. The registration fee includes the competitive events, facilities rental, audiovisual, conference materials, printing, awards, and bus transportation during the conference. Registration for Sponsors/Guests will be $30 per person. There will be a late fee of $15 per person for any late/or on-site registration. NO REFUNDS after January 21 deadline. As per the NM Board Policy 11.2, cancellations made in writing by close of registration 100% refund. Cancellations after this time (through completion of registration) will be Non-refundable.
The conference hotel for the NM BPA State Leadership Conference is the Marriott Pyramid, 5151 San Francisco Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM. You will need to complete the online housing located in your online registration. Once submitted the form will automatically be emailed to the hotel. Housing registrations are due by January 21.
The hotel will accept purchase orders. A copy of your Purchase Order MUST be sent to the hotel once you submit your registration. Please email a copy to Zach in order to hold your room reservation. Contact Zach Sturgeon (Zach.sturgeon@atriumhospitality.com) or 505-798-6419 if you need an estimate sent to you prior to the conference in order to get a PO in place. A final invoice will not be printed until the time of check out.
Double/Double Room (2 beds) $92.00 + 13.3125% tax = $104.25 per room
Suites (King bed+full size pull out) $87.00 +13.3125% tax = $98.58 per room
ALL conference participants are required to stay at the conference hotel. There will be a $100.00 charge to any school not staying at the conference hotel. This will show on your invoice once you have completed your online registration for our students.
Number of Contests
Middle Level students may participate in a total of two (2) events, only one of which may be a team event. Additionally, a student may compete in an unlimited number of Open Events or Virtual Events within the time constraints of the conference program.
Secondary students may participate in a total of two (2) events, only one of which may be a team event. Additionally, a student may compete in an unlimited number of Open Events or Virtual Events within the time constraints of the conference program. All entries will be verified with the lists of winners submitted by the regional advisors. Should you have a regional winner who cannot attend State, or if a contestant cancels after registering, please contact the BPA State Office as soon as possible. UPON NOTIFICATION, ALL CHANGES ARE FINAL.
Post-Secondary all students that wish to participate in the SLC will need to contact Jennifer Humble, Post-Secondary Coordinator at jhumble@bulldogs.org.
Team Events/Chapter Events
Team events are registered under the chapter name. In addition, each team members and the person (s) responsible for chapter entries must be indicated in event registration. (Remember that each student member is limited to only one team event.)
Event Registration Changes
All competitive events changes must be emailed to Robin Slutz at robin.slutz@gmail.com no later than February 1. No substitutions will be made after this date.
Event Rescheduling
If a student has a time conflict for an event, contact the state office prior to the state conference.
Contests to be completed at home schools
The following contests will be completed at the home schools: (335) C++ Programming, (340) Java Programming, (330) Visual Basic Programming, (415) Digital Publishing
SLC will use the same software as posted in the WSAP.
The WASP Guidelines contain general information for all events as well as specific details regarding eligibility, equipment use, scoring, etc. The information in the WASP Guidelines are essential for members attending the State Leadership Conference.
Event Length
The length of events varies. Times are listed on the “Events At-A-Glance” chart as well as within the guidelines for each event.
Use of Materials
Contestants may not share individual supplies and/or materials once an event begins.
Reference Materials
Some events allow reference materials. Check the guidelines for each contest for further information. Published/Unpublished non-electronic reference materials may be brought on a “read-only” CD-ROM and/or hard copy for events that allows resources. CD-ROM should only be used for computerized events, as no additional computer access will be provided for use of reference materials. Reference materials may not be used for any Open Event.
Contestant Provided Equipment
Some events permit contestants to bring their own equipment for presentation or preparation of competition. In these cases, contestants are permitted to bring their own laptops, printers, projectors, or iPads (or similar tablet devices). Computers or tablets may be used in place of projectors. Contestants are totally responsible for the set-up, operation, and technical support of their equipment. No projection equipment or computers will be provided at the Marriott Pyramid. Schools/students MUST provide their own equipment and extension cords. Projection screens/electrical outlets will be provided.
Style & Reference Manual
A standard style for documents is located in the Style & Reference Manual. All events will be authored and scored using the styles given. Failure to follow the Style & Reference Manual format for any job will result in a score of zero for that job.
Release Forms
When Release Forms are required, any student included in the project must submit a Release Form; this includes individuals and all team members. Release Forms may be hand written. Illegible forms will not be accepted.
Use of Previous or Sample Tests
No previous Business Professionals of America tests and/or sample tests or facsimiles thereof (handwritten, photocopied, or keyed) may be taken into the testing area. Contestants who violate this rule will be disqualified.
Admission to Event Testing Sites
Only the registered contestant will be allowed into the event site. Only advisors serving as administrators or proctors will be admitted. Contestants may be disqualified if their advisor is in the event room and the advisor is not an administrator, proctor, or authorized competitive events personnel.
Use of Cellular Phones
The use of cellular phones in testing and presentation rooms is prohibited. This pertains to judges, contest administrators and contestants. In the event that a contestant/team is utilizing a cellular phone as a mobile hotspot, the phone may be visible throughout the presentation and used to provide Internet, however, the phone’s sole purpose can only be for Internet access or for displaying the contestant’s work, no other use will be allowed.
All printing in the computer lab must be in black/white or gray scale with the exception of Fundamental Desktop Publishing and Digital Publishing. For Fundamental Desktop Publishing and Digital Publishing, contestants will be permitted to bring Mac computers and equipment (see Guidelines for details). Those contestants bringing Macs may print in color.