BPA Affiliation Instructions
State Dues: $10.00 Secondary and Middle Level
National Dues: $14.00 Secondary $10.00 Middle Level $14.00 Post-Secondary
BPA Membership (National and State) will be electronically submitted on the following website: http://www.registermychapter.com/bpamem/
If you are an advisor starting a new chapter this year click on New Chapter Log In to request log on information. The first time in, you will be presented with a welcome letter. Please read through that for any additional information. When you’re through, press the Click Here to Continue link at the bottom.
Registration Instructions:
- Enter the site and click Member Login.
- Enter your User Name
- Enter your Password
- Click Submit
- Please review School/Chapter and update/edit as necessary.
- Please review Advisor Information and update/edit as necessary.
Before you start entering your students you will need to have the following information available:
List of students, gender, business course, email (to receive BPA newsletter), student password (this can be the same for your entire chapter ie. (MoraBPA), determine your Chapter Webmaster (this person can be one of your chapter officers that is in charge of information for your chapter on the national site), demographic information for all students and PO number or method of payment.
- Continue to Step 1 – Enter/View Your Members
When you click on this link, you will see a list of your existing members. First time in,
there will not be any members listed.
- Click the Add New Member button to add a member.
- Continue by Clicking on Save and Add another until all members have been entered.
- When finished entering members Click the Save and Return to Members List.
- Click on Back to Chapter Information link when you’re finished adding members.
- Continue to Step 2. Enter Demographics. (This information is very important for our data reports)
- Donation to National BPA – Optional
- Continue to Step 4 – Prepare/View Invoice
Clicking this link will prepare an invoice for you, but it is not a completed transaction until you click the Submit Invoice button at the bottom. Review the information on the invoice to make sure that it’s correct, and then select a payment method. You must select one of the three payment options before you can submit the invoice. IF YOU WANT A PRINTED COPY OF THIS INVOICE YOU MUST PRINT A COPY USING THE PRINT FUNCTION ON YOUR BROWSER BEFORE YOU PRESS THE SUBMIT INVOICE BUTTON!
Print (2) copies of the invoice prior to submitting. Keep one copy for your records and submit one with your check request for National Dues. (Payment must be made 30 days from the date of the submitted invoice. Please ask your business office to include a copy of the invoice with the payment-this will avoid processing errors/delays).
- Submit Invoice button at the bottom. This will complete the transaction by e-mailing a copy of the invoice (not formatted as a formal invoice) to you, your state advisor, and the national center.
- Membership Invoice may be changed (Members Deleted) without penalty no later than five (5) business days after original submission date. (Please notify the National office if you need to delete a member).
- Remember to Log out.