State Conference Guide – HOSA

State Conference Guide – HOSA


Attendance Eligibility

All HOSA members (State and National dues paid) are eligible to attend the State Leadership Conference.  Each student attending shall be an active member of HOSA, have approval of school administration, chapter advisor, and a parent or guardian unless the student is of legal age.

Delegate Conduct and Medical Information

All students attending the SLC must complete a CTSO Medical/Conduct Form.

Activities Verification Form – NMAA

Each school must complete an Activities Verification of Eligibility Form prior to the state conference. This form, attached to a roster of participating students, should be signed by a school administrator and submitted to the NMAA (505-923-3114 FAX) prior to state competition.

Awards and Recognition

For all Divisions, the top 3 winners in each event will be recognized at the State Leadership Conference.

Reproduction Equipment

No reproduction equipment (video cameras, digital cameras, tape or digital recorders, etc) will be allowed in the contest room and/or viewing area unless authorized by the state advisor.

State and National Officer Candidates

Any member planning to run for state or national office needs to complete the application and all necessary forms submitted online by January 15.
State Officer Handbook.


All chapter advisors will be required to help with events during the conference. Assignments will be sent prior to conferences. Thank you for your help.


UNM Main Campus and Sheraton Airport will be used to host our competitive events. Transportation to and from UNM will be the responsibility of the school.


Your chapter and career technical education in general can use good publicity. Use participation in the State Conference to generate some positive publicity. Who’s going? Where? When? Why?  Chapter advisors figure prominently in the publicity of the conference. We look to you to provide advanced stories to your local newspapers and pictures or slides to local television stations. Alert the contact persons that you will phone information back from the conference about your students.


An Insurance policy is carried which covers each person registered for the conference. If you have an illness or injury—contact the HOSA Staff before you leave the conference.

Name Badges

Name badges should be worn at all times during the conference by contestants, advisors and chaperones.  Please adhere to this policy for security reasons.  It is permissible for contestants to introduce themselves to the judges.

Dress Code

Please adhere to HOSA dress code.

Registration Information

Each local advisor is responsible for completing the online registration and submitting it with the necessary fees to the address indicated on the invoice.

ALL PAYMENTS MUST INCLUDE A COPY OF THE INVOICE.  January 22 is the registration deadline. Questions regarding HOSA SLC registration should be directed to 

Staying at the conference hotel (Sheraton)
 Student – $50
 Advisor – $50
 Sponsors/Guests – $15 (T-shirt included)

Not staying at the conference hotel (local schools)
 Student – $60
 Advisor – $60
 Sponsors/Guests – $15 (T-shirt included)

There will be a late fee of $15 per person for any late/or on-site registration. NO REFUNDS after January 22 deadline.

Payment Address:
New Mexico HOSA
1500 S. Ave. K; ENMU Station 61
Portales, NM, 88130


Late registrations are not accepted. Although substitutions are discouraged, they may be made with existing members and should happen as early as possible prior to February 3. 


The conference hotel for the NM HOSA State Leadership Conference is the Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel, 2910 Yale Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. Housing registrations are due by January 22.

You will need to complete the attached housing form and email directly to

The hotel will accept purchase orders.  A copy of your Purchase Order MUST be sent to the hotel once you submit your registration.  Please email a copy to Lee in order to hold your room reservation. Contact Lee Smith ( or 505-244-8554 if you
need an estimate sent to you prior to the conference in order to get a PO in place.  A final invoice will not be printed until the time of check out.

ALL rooms will have the following rate:
$95.00 + 13.88% tax (tax subject to change after January 1)= $108.19 per room + Hot Breakfast

ALL conference participants are required to stay at the conference hotel. Get your room request
in early, an overflow hotel will be available if needed.

Appointment times are given to competitors in many of the HOSA events to avoid detaining them in holding rooms for long periods of time. Professional ethics demand that competitors DO NOT discuss or reveal the secret topic or scenario for ANY event until after the event has concluded.

ETHICS AND INTEGRITY – As future health professionals, HOSA members are held to a higher standard in regard to their ethical behavior as competitors. HOSA members should follow
the HOSA rules and act with honor at all times. Plagiarism, copyright violation and falsification of information are prohibited. Any attempt to gain an unfair advantage will not be tolerated. Violation of the ethics rules will be severely penalized.

CODE OF CONDUCT – Any competitor who violates the HOSA Code of Conduct during the course of HOSA’s International Leadership Conference may forfeit any award won during the
conference. And they are called skill events

FAILURE TO BRING EQUIPMENT – Competitors who fail to bring the required material/equipment as specified in the Competitive Events guidelines for any skill/procedure
used in any event will be allowed to compete but will not earn points for all or part of the procedure(s) that require the missing material/equipment.

EQUIPMENT FAILURE – It is the competitor’s responsibility to assure that the equipment they bring to the event and use as a part of the event is in good working order. Equipment failure
(when the equipment provided by the competitor) may result in an inability to judge all or part of an event that involves the use of equipment. This includes battery-operated laptops.

PODIUM – When a podium is provided during an event, the use of the podium by the competitor(s) is optional.

Admission to Event Testing Sites
Only the registered contestant will be allowed into the event site. Only advisors serving as administrators or proctors will be admitted. Contestants may be disqualified if their advisor is in
the event room and the advisor is not an administrator, proctor, or authorized competitive events personnel.

Use of Cellular Phones
The use of cellular phones or smart watches in testing and presentation rooms is prohibited unless specified in the Competition Guidelines. This pertains to judges, contest administrators and contestants. In the event that a contestant/team is utilizing a cellular phone as a mobile
hotspot, the phone may be visible throughout the presentation and used to provide Internet, however, the phone’s sole purpose can only be for Internet access or for displaying the
contestant’s work, no other use will be allowed. For more information about the National HOSA Cell Phone and Smart/Electronic Device policy please click here.

Conference Registration Instructions
1. Make sure all members that are interested in participating in the State Leadership Conference are affiliated members of HOSA.
2. Login to the HOSA Online System at using your Charter Number and Password.
3. Once into the system select “Click to Proceed to Chapter Membership and Conference Registration.”
4. On the left click “Conference Registration.”
5. You will be directed to the HOSA Conference System Login page. Use your Charter Number and Password to login again.
6. Click on the box that says “2020 New Mexico HOSA State Leadership Conference.”
7. On the line that says “Registrations” click the red plus sign. You will be directed to a page that has a list of your members not currently registered for the conference.
8. Find the student you want to register for the conference. Select “Register” to the left of their name.
9. For Registration Type select one of the following: Advisor, Middle School, Postsecondary/Collegiate, Secondary, or Chaperone.
10. Under “Options/Activities” select their T-Shirt size. (All conference attendees will be given a t-shirt.)
11. Next register the student for their competitive events. Select “Register for Competitive Events” on the right. If they are part of a team be sure to register their teammates as well.
12. Once you are done select “Save” at the bottom of the page.
13. If at any time you need to change your registration during the registration window, login to the HOSA Conference System Login and select the eye next to the student that needs
to be changed under the “Registrations” tab.
14. To register family, guests, and chaperones select “Register Family/Guest/Other” at the bottom of the page and fill in their information on the next page. Their registration also
includes a t-shirt so please have their size ready when entering them into the system.
15. Once you have completed your registration you can print an invoice by selecting “Reports” at the bottom of the page and then “Current Invoice.”


Testing window January 23- February 7

ALL tests for New Mexico HOSA must be completed during the online testing window. Any event that has a testing component must be tested prior to SLC between January 23 and
February 7. If you have any questions please email


State conference t-shirts can be purchased for $5.00 each.  When you select the size for your student the amount of the t-shirt will be added to your invoice.


Joanie DeBerry
State Advisor


Christine Phipps