BPA State Conference Registration Instructions
Select – Leadership Conference Login button on the left.
- Enter your User Name and Password. Same as when you did your membership.
- Click on the New Mexico State Leadership Conference
Add students to Registration:
- Next, you will be presented with a list of all of your members. Simply check the Select check box for each member who you are registering.
- T-Shirts will be given out, please select a T-Shirt size for each attendee.
- Advisors will need to volunteer as an Administer or Proctor. All advisors will help Grade.
Adding Non-members to registration:
- There are also three blanks at the bottom for adding non-members (guests). You are not limited to three, these are only convenience blanks.
- Once you have finished selecting, click the Click to continue button.
Add Students to Events:
- The next screen is the screen that you will select the events for each student. From this location, you can add Contests. To add Contests, simply click the appropriate button beside each person that you want to add a contest to. Select the correct contest that your student will participate in.
- Once you make your selections and click the Save button, those items will be added to the invoice and sub-totaled below.
- To delete an item from the list, simply click the Del link beside the item you wish to delete.
- If someone has special needs, you can click on the Special Needs link beside the person and fill out a form to indicate what special needs this person may have.
Completing Registration:
- Once you have finished adding everyone to the invoice and selecting Contest, you can click the Submit Invoice to finalize your registration. Before submitting, please review your invoice and make sure that you have selected the appropriate contests for each student.
- All participants are required to stay at the conference hotel. A $100.00 per chapter fee will charged to any school not staying at the hotel.
- Click Hotel Reservations
- You may now click on each person registered for the conference and add to a room.
- Click Submit once you have finished adding students to rooms.
- Print a copy of your Housing Invoice and fax to Stella at the Marriott Pyramid.
Please note that once the invoice has been submitted, you cannot make any changes to it. If you wish to remove someone from a contest, you will need to contact your State Advisor to do so. If you need to add a student to a contest, you can log back on and add another invoice, and if this student is registered, simply select him/her again (no additional registration fee will be added), then add him/her to the contest you wish to add him/her to. After registration closes, all changes must be made by the State Advisor. Students may not be added to contests unless they have been registered first.